Elegant Bouquet


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Elegant Bouquet is well-known chocolate that is known for its distinct taste and crunchiness. Offer this mouth-watering bouquet of Ferry Rose Chocolates from our online gifting store and your loved ones will surely appreciate your gift choice.

Let them enjoy these chocolates and forge a long-lasting relationship with your dear ones instantly.
Send this on days like Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Eid, Ramzan, or any other occasion to your friends and family across Pakistan.

Product Includes:-
– Ferry Rose Chocolate Bouquet (24 Pcs)


Note: All Taxes Included.

Additional information

Choose grams from drop-down

200GM, 250GM, 500GM

Elegant Ferrero Rocher Bouquet

– Product may vary slightly from the picture.
– 2 Days Advance Ordering Required.


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Elegant Bouquet
